We fondly remember and honor the memory of the following classmates. Kindly contact us if we've forgotten anyone or if we are in error.
Duane Bailey
Dennis Beardsley
Carol Bleckman
Scott Bonsper
Bill Brockel
Joe Daly
Cecilia DeMartini
Gail Flowers
Robert Holtzman
Donald Krauchuck
Ann Marie Manzi
Vincent Maresca
Paul Martini
Norma Mazziotti
Susan McNamara
Pasquale Melfi
Tom Mikula
Kathy Monz
Ray Nelan
Isabelle Purland
Pat Reitano
Judy Rellinger
Paul Rousseau
Gary Schreiber
Tom Shaughnessy
Bill Sperber
Beth Steele
Tom Tibbs
Linda Underwood
Sandy Weimmer